
Enhancing Teen Driver Safety On The Roads

Enhancing Teen Driver Safety On The Roads Enhancing Teen Driver Safety On The Roads

May 27, 2015

Blog Articles

Teen Auto Insurance White Plains NYHelpful Tips For Honing Your Teen's Driving Skills

Having a teen driver on the roads can be both an exciting and overwhelming feeling. We all want to see our little bundles of joy grow into responsible adults, but the roads can be an unforgiving place, especially if you have not instilled the right driving habits and implemented necessary rules. To ensure your confidence and your teen's safety when they are in the driver's seat, keep these important tips in mind:

  • One important safety tip not only enhances your teen's safety, but can also land you a substantial auto insurance discount. Let's face it - insuring a teen driver is notoriously expensive. Therefore, enrolling your teen in an extra defensive driving course beyond the required can be extremely beneficial.
  • However, just because your teen has learned from the professionals does not mean that your job is done. It is highly recommended that you regularly drive with your teen so that you can supervise their driving and offer insight into how they can further hone their skills and knowledge.
  • Yes, it is important to research your state's particular laws for teen drivers and enforce them, but it is equally important to implement your own rules. This includes keeping your teen off the roads at night when the risk of a fatal collision is heightened.
  • Installing an anti-texting and calling device on your teen's car to avoid distracted driving is extremely important in today's day and age. There are so many apps and devices that you can download or install that will actually disable your teen's texting and calling abilities, ensuring they do not give into any temptations.
  • Most importantly, their driving habits start with you! Be a good example and their driving skills should mirror yours.

Contact Scavone Insurance Agency Center LLC in White Plains for all of your New York teen auto insurance needs. Enroll your teen in the New York Online Defensive Driving Course today! This is the most effective way to hone your teen's driving skills while simultaneously inviting you to take advantage of the financial incentives.

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